photo: cobrasnake
You might have noted the ignominy of my last post in which The Klaxons remix I put up lasted all of 8 moonlit hours. Come the morning, the aptly named Nightmoves had nipped the MP3 in the bud, and rightly demanded that I remove the song. Once again I apologise to them for sharing something I desperately wanted to, but really shouldn’t have.
Lucky for me, and lucky for you, Nightmoves aren’t the only producers capable of twisting the indie-rave posturings of The Klaxons into something joyfully electronic and euphoric. I think a few people came across the Van She remix on the Kitsune MySpace, and wondered aloud “who the buggery made this!?!”, I know I did. For the eagle eyed/stalkerish amongst us, a little investigation of the comments section uncovered an admission from Van She themselves that they were indeed responsible for this little bleepy gem.
I played this to myself in the office today, and the peach fuzz on the back of my neck quite literally stood on end, which can only mean one of two things. Either I have heard this song out before under the influence of a truck-load of narcotics… or it’s just a bloody brilliant piece of work! I’m not normally one to fall for the artifical rush of over-seratonised whooshes and rushes, so these Aussies must be pressing all the right buttons in all the right ways. Make sure you get this song while it’s hot, and we can help this song send shivers up as many spines as it deserves to.
The Klaxons- Gravity’s Rainbow (Van She Remix)
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