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i don't have much to say. it is probably because i have too much to think, un tourbillon de pensées pour se perdre, à oublier sous le soleil froid, puis à se rappeler dans une étincelle fugace quand les lampadaires tentent dans un effort commun mais vain de contrer la progression inéluctable du sombre.
Baby when the light (Laidback Luke Remix) - David Guetta
it's been a good three weeks since i've come home now, and yet i haven't seen or even phoned most of my friends here in franceland. une faille mélancolique qui s'étire c'est mignon et on peut s'y lover but i find it pretty hard finding ways to depart from the aussie way in all things laidback and get back to the frantic french partying mood. luckily, Cut Copy have been listenning to New Order a bit and gone back to work allowing for the longing looks back to the east be more focused.
So Haunted (w. extra fade) - Cut Copy
i don't know wether it's the fact that i'm listenning to more "classic" guitarey stuff right now that makes me reluctant to go and party to boom boom sounds (if there's no proper comfy seating hmmm) or the reluctance in getting smoked up in clubs while sipping unhealthy expensive drinks that makes me more touched by lo-fi-esque ish, whatever it may be, i'm glad cos then i get to discover such fine bands as Ra Ra Riot, whom, i am told, put on a great show in Iceland this weekend, i might be slightly jealous.
Ghost Under Rocks - Ra Ra Riot
the other day at school i was a bit overflowned by a stream of contradictory feelings : still sad to have left there, a bit happy to be here, delighted by the suprisingly interesting classes yet not fooled for real life and real work and real knowledge is knocking impatiently at my door, when i caught one of my classmates wearing a Border Community tee-shirt. believe it or not, it kinda made my day*.
Time's fool - Fairmont
so emo, so haunted.
(*i'm in law school)
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