nina's take on neha
coucou ca va? moi ca va. ca va mais je suis bien fatiguee. here and now is the biggest season in music life and people working in over air conditionned offices get silly sick and fall asleep in silly places. luckily naps on the beach are still efficient to erase the pain, happy catchups makes for cheeky cramps and daft punk live gives release to the tension through beautiful tears.
also : field day is getting me sooooooososososo excited. i dont think i could have chosen a better time to come back home : doudou seultou, chromeo, midnight juggernauts, pasey pase, jesse rose, and (lol) mason AND AND AND STEVE ANGELLO & SEBASTIAN INGROSSO. my god. dreams do come true.
speaking of chromeo, i think we can safely say, 10 days before the new year "most inspirationnal band of 2007". yah?
1) snoop dogg knows.
2) approx 154 693 576 remixes from their latest album Fancy Footwork, all banging, just like the OGs. Chromeo, Klaxons of 2007?
3) TURBO knows too and is rereleasing the Needy Girl single (remember 2004 your first encounter with the band in the form of that oh so weird yet oh so funky video? yeah.) with fresh new remixes.
=> best remix of the best song of the best band in the world :
Chromeo - Needy Girl (Lifelike Remix)
oh by the way, it should be noted that myspace dudes have unintentionnaly fucked the chromeo myspace a few days ago, leaving them faceless, soundless, friendless :(. they're working on fixing shit atm so dont be afraid and stay tuned.
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