Ugly Smile
ouais! un nouveau post suédois par hianta! ça faisait longtemps dis donc. this will probably be no use for our swedish readers, but might brighten the day of the others.
hello. today i mostly lazed around, took the crispy bright spring sun in the face for hours on end, watched quite a few tearjerking videos from La Blogotheque and sang along to pretty songs. a good way of spending the day aye? although it is a bit worrying the fact that lately i mostly only listen to indie rock, "is hianta no more a fluokid?" the debate is open. but please keep in mind that i am still way excited about the next fluo party taking place at le point FMR in two weeks time (april 27th) and featuring special guests Mochipet, Radioclit, Jitset (!!!), my darlings Gentlemen Drivers, and pipelette Brodinski. w00t.
MOVING ON. i have been wanting to blog about The Tough Alliance forever but for some obscure reason, never did. after all, happy pop has always been what fluokids was all about, especially when Swedish (what what Lo Fi Fnk, Cat5 Le Sport to name but a few), and now we can add one more hyper talented, hyper pretty band to the list of swedish love we can't get enough of and kindly support.
some fun facts : Gothenburg (missing you) sweethearts Henning Fürst and Eric Berglund reached 14th last year in Sweden with their wonderful album The New School, released on the Service label, they're a bit controversial over there because they like to take the piss and and do playback during concerts, and you probably never heard of them because of their curious hate for myspace. which is a real shame because their music IS SO SO GOOD and warm and happy and perfect for springtime and getting sunburned while touring Paris on a double-deck bus. hopefully this blatant heresy will be put to an end, thanks to the always forward-thinking canadian label SLU which will rerelease the New Waves EP in no time and the album a little bit later.
The Tough Alliance - Koka Kola Veins
As i'm sure you'll be amazed by the sheer jollyness of those songs, i strongly advise you check out more : 25 Years And Runnin' for instance or actually any of all the songs they videoed because they're all so pretty and the boys are a bit of eye candy as well as making ear candy. yay!
While you're at it, in the "cute vids by hot yet unknown Swedish bands" family, do check out Karibien by the amazing band Air france and the super relevant Honeydrips with the bittersweet (but mostly sweet) (Lack Of Love) Will Tear Us Apart featuring vocals by Cat5's Hanna.
now that i got you occupied for at least an hour with quality, i can go and rest happily dreaming of warm houses full of candles, ikea hotel mattresses that feel like fluffy clouds if those weren't made of rain, cleanliness & cheekyness, and burger king, too.
please buy stuff here or there if you're in Europe or wait there if you're in the USA, because people who give love also need food.
PS : bisous Håkan & Henrik.
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