un post pour les kiffeurs ki trip tro sur le fluo, et ceux qui aiment bien les belles filles rousses qui jouent du yukulele, aussi.
i've always wondered how it was to be a redhead. why are they here? do they really smell different? is the skin really the softest ever? should they be kept into reserves like the indians?
each time these come up in my mind, i ask my darling Red Foxx about it, and he surprisingly doesn't get too angry but rather eludes by sending me some hot traxxx. which is ok in my book. recently, though, he's not getting made fun of because of his redhairness but rather because he's been developping a guilty liking for "overcheesy electronica with weird women singing love slash philosophical bullshit on top of it". probably the best kind of music, really, no guilt involved in my love. however the red foxx take, involving horns, klaxs, beepery and general [concentration] of awesomeness from the original tracks makes them x10000 more likeable, approximately.
souvenirs of a 12 years old + tricks du jour
+ shakey melancholy - knowing what's going on
= hianta fainting everytime
+ shakey melancholy - knowing what's going on
= hianta fainting everytime
almost better than sex.
Everything But The The Girl - Missing (Red Foxx Rave or Die Edit)
Olive - You're Not Alone (Red Foxx Heartattack Edit)
don't worry for that we will play these two gems saturday at the showcase, when all our sense of self-consciouness will have evaporated into thin vodka, and the youngsters will bring their arms together to harmoniously dance in the clouds and umm along with us to the beauty of mid-90s electronica. and we will take shitty videos on our cell phones because we need money and blackmail is a dream job for lazy people.
when you'll finally leave the premises under the gracious encouragments of the bouncers, you will probably need some soft and sweet melodies to avoid the cold water of the seine, get back to reality, swallow the fact that you're all alone, once again, and get ready to go to mass lamb & eggs with your family. french youngsters Cocoon will cater. they sound a bit like my beloved Elliott (two Ts) Smith slash the Bens clique slash Sufjan Stevens + Aimee Mann, an EP From Panda Mountains will come out on april 16th digital + ltd edition, and you better buy it. we love them as much as they love us. which is a lot.
Cocoon - On My Way
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