In this day and age of instant gratification, oneupsmanship and competition with an impersonal foe, it's refreshing to actually hear something new, something familiar, yet irreoncilably different. Something that you have never heard before. I'm talking of course of that wonderful thing- a good remix of a good song, heard unexpectedly and for the first time. That's exactly what happened in Camden on Sunday, at surely the sweatiest and most populated room per square inch in London at that very moment in time, when Simian Mobile Disco dropped this track at Blogger's Delight on Sunday, and which I now, paradoxically, post here on Fluokids with the boys' endorsement. Check out their new album when it appears in June, it's fantastic home listening! They have also put together Bugged Out's latest 'Suck My deck' mix, released this week.
CSS - Let's Make Love And Listen death From Above (SMD Remix)
Taking the remix to an ever more refined art form is another Camdenite, Henry 'Riton' Smithson. He's taken the very faintest blueprint of 'neu-rave' tour act, Datarock's ticket seller, 'Fafafa', and worked it into something intricate, layered and, most importantly, very good. It looks like the months spent in the studio putting together a krautrock project, Nacht Music, has paid off, as I think it's fair to say this is his best re-rub since the Brazilian Girl's track a few years back.
Datarock - Fafafa (Riton Re-Rub)
The recent series of Roxy Music re-edits draws to a close with the latest offering, a subtle Headman remix of 'Virginia Plains' and this reassuringly grimy Phones remix of 'Editions Of You'. Epworth lends the usual loving fist to this track, but once again it's the original touches, in this case the zany vocal, that win me over. Fantastic gay disco fodder!
Roxy Music - Editions Of You (Phones Remix)
And last, but certainly not least is the meeting of two much-loved Fluokids minds'. Sluttt made a name for herself by riding the Teenagers hype wave, and this is probably her best work thus far as well, chopping up Miss Odd Kidd's excellent vocal, panning the track from side to side and hoovering it clean. Both of these girls should be warranting a lot more attention in the coming year, with rumours of an alleged Crookers / Odd Kidd collaboration- we can't wait for that one!!
Miss Odd Kidd - Weed Wine and Wankers (Sluttt Bust In Ur Face Remix)
I have just completed a new mix with the CSS remix, new Digitalism, the much talked about Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip track as well as a handful of the most sought after tracks around at the moment... Watch this space, and prepare to be saxed up!
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