pic: DirtyDirtyDancingQuand A-Trak et Kid Sister repondent aux questions de fluokids, une voix d'homme s'élève dans ma radio; " les nerds parlent aux nerds". Difficile de placer le Dj superstar et la rappeuse qui monte sur l'échiquier du rap, parce que l'amerique n'est pas assez carrée. -A Trak, comment jongles tu entre l'entertainement MTV/Kanye West et ta carrière plus "indé" en parallèle?A: Il me semble que j'ai toujours eu des projets très différents en parallèle, donc je m'en rends même pas compte des fois. Avant je faisais les compétitions de DJ et le Brevet à l'école en même temps. Aujourd'hui je fais des tournées avec Kanye dans l'univers VIP et pendant qu'on est backstage je m'installe dans un coin devant mon ordi et je fais des remixes sur Ableton. C'est cool quand les scènes se rejoignent. J'aime ça sauter d'un monde à l'autre. -Vous vous ètes rencontré comment? Comment vous bossez ensemble?KS: I noticed one day on the internet that we were with the same publicist. I also noticed that we were wearing the same t-shirt on our myspace pictures. So I decided to tease him and say that it looked better on me, to which he responded "oh snap!" And then we made beautiful music together. A: On avait des amis en commun en fait. J'étais à Chicago l'été dernier pour un festival et on a décidé d'essayer de faire de la musique ensemble. Ça faisait même pas un an qu'elle rappait, mais j'avais plein d'idée que je voulais essayer avec elle. J'ai fait quelques prods pour elle, mais à part ça je l'aide à choisir des instrus. Quant aux textes c'est elle qui écrit tout. Et on enregistre n'importe où avec mon micro et mon portable. -Kid Sister, comment expliques tu cet engouement dingue autour de toi dans le milieu nerd?KS: I didn't even know nerds were infatuated with me, but I guess it makes sense because I am a self-described mega-nerd. I love watching science programs on public television and I really like Broadway musicals such as "Hairspray" and "Godspell". So I guess it takes one to know one. But my music isn't nerdy, don't get it twisted. -Quels sont vos projets ensemble et séparement?A: Je suis en train de finir une mixtape qui s'appelle "Dirty South Dance", qui sortira en début mars. Je travaille sur mon album solo, celui de Kid Sister et celui de GLC. J'ai une foule de projets "Sunglasses Is A Must" qui sortent dans les prochains mois, comme les t-shirts qu'on a fait avec Sixpack, sauf que cette année il y aura aussi des casquettes New Era, un jouet Kidrobot, un skate Zoo York, des lunettes de soleil bien entendu... Il y a quelques nouveaux morceaux de Common et Kanye où je dois poser des scratches. KS: I only have one project, that's my album! -Quelle est votre recette de cuisine favorite?KS: My favorite recipe is maftoul! With chicken and garbanzo beans. I'm also an eggs-pert. A: Moi c'est des céréales. C'est le seul truc que je sais faire. Non en fait je fais d'excellents sandwiches. Kid Sister a des bonnes techniques de sandwich, elle m'impressionne. Elle réchauffe la charcuterie! -Quels morceaux tournent à fond chez vous en ce moment?A: " Dick In A Box" et le nouvel album de Chromeo.KS: Joe Public, Heavy D & The Boys, Lisette Melendez, Jade, and Brandy. Early 90's R&B, basically. Kid Sister - Damn Girl (A-trak production)Retrouvez A-Trak, Kid Sister et pleins d'autres de leurs amis à la soirée Catch An Attitude le 1er Mars au Rex à Paris. Merci à Matthieu chez Disque Primeur stickers pic: Bastien Lattanzio, Model: Geraldineas you can see, we have printed some stickers:
So, if you want to decorate your fridge, your mum, or your dog, just send 3€ on this paypal adress: fluokids@hotmail.fr (dont forget to give us your postal adress).
We will send you 10 stickers and one hot kiss.
thecobrasnakeça serait marrant si les habitués du rex et ceux du truskel faisaient une ronde et dansaient tels des petits haricots serrés sur du siouxsie and the banshee suivi par audion puis david banner. it would be hot if misshapes regulars danced cheek to cheek with the rub fanboys in sweet harmony. i guess this won't be happening anytime soon, but meanwhile, a few smart men will try and loosen barriers for the beauty of general booty shaking. this is yet a killer remix by our dude yuksek, which is getting a bit tiring these days, can't wait for a dull track of his, it'll be a nice & surprising change (not). this is yet another fluokids exclusive, w00t w00t i know, blame it on our hottt connexxxions in the music industry, ot rather thank em for the niceness, and be sure to get yourself enought sleep at night so that when time comes you really enjoy next weekend's pretty gem blasting on the stereo. Naast - Mauvais Garçon (Yuksek Remix)
 picture by Angela Oliver Just have a look on the artists featured on Detroit Underground (one of the first release of Modeselektor, then Apparat, Phon.O, etc.) and you'll understand why i had to interview Kero, owner of a label which one release after another is debriefing the future, drawing links between techno, electronica and rap, between Detroit influences and the french new dance scene. Hello Kero. First i wanted to know who runs the label ? Yourself ?Det.Und. the label at least was founded by myself and Jeremy Nida and Derek Michael. While Jeremy and I handle most of the labels day to day operations, Derek is in charge of web design over in Hollywood where he is chillin' with some ballers like Daryl Hanna. In 2004 the group grew to include conceptual artist and rave promoter Andrew Lochhead, who handled much of DUs booking and press concerns, as well as developing our contacts within the contemporary art community and expanding upon our branding strategies. Overseas in Berlin we have our production manager's and promo Sandra Passaro and Phon.O keepin it real from Stars and heroes. We all consult about tracks, designs that sort of stuff collectively or as much as possible. Can you tell me about how came to produce music, graphic stuff and to create clothes ?
I really got in to music in my early teenage years, especially punk rock, and then techno. This was the early 90s in Detroit and so the techno and rave scene was really big. I started DJ’ing around that time and then took to production as a way to expand my shows with live PA. As for making clothes and designs,I’ve always had an affinity for design and art since high school, especially street art and graffiti, I actually studied for a while at College for Creative Studies in Detroit. When we began the label, MP3 downloading was just beginning and we really wanted to develop something more than just another record label. We wanted to give our fans an extra incentive to buy our records rather than just download the tracks. Its part of a larger branding approach, creating a lifestyle and a multiplicity of diverse products centered around the label. By hiring top flight designers such as the Designers Republic, Build and Neubau Berlin, Keep Adding, Eboy and more we have been able to create more customers and reach people through design who would not have otherwise accessed our music. When was the label launched ? What's the concept behind it ?The idea for Det.Und. came out of a web forum for Detroit based graffiti artists that Derek and I were running. Eventually when that project ran its course we began talking to Jeremy and eventually the label was conceived. As I mentioned before we really wanted to be more than a traditional record label. The community based outreach has been a really important part of how the label has transformed itself from the original concept and a way in which I feel we have grown as a company. We are not just a company in Detroit but a force for positive social change. We have sponsored events and involved our artists in various sound and media workshops offered through local arts organizations such as House of Toast Film and Video Collective, The Detroit Artist Market, The University of Windsor and the Art Institute of Chicago. Since the labels creation we also expanded into throwing our own parties, touring and in general doing more work than I ever felt was possible to do with an ordinary record label. How does it feel to bring this sound in a city (Detroit) where techno, now ghettotech seem to be the standard ? Do you have any contacts with the people of these scenes ?
To say that ghettotech would be a contemporary standard in Detroit might be a bit of a stretch, certainly it was popular here many years ago, but I think the reason so many Europeans have this impression is the time it took that music to reach the continent. Really that stuff has been played out over here for at least five years maybe longer. Detroit is a small community filled with lots of interesting people and players. We are proud to count many of our city’s talented producers amongst our good friends. As for bringing these sounds, in a way, back to Detroit. I think its really interesting because as much as the sound may have been developed here the influences of European artists such as Phon.O and Modeselektor, Feadz, Uffie and Arcade Mode along with many of the Arcola releases, have really developed the genre beyond its initial limitations. In a way by bringing these sounds back to Detroit we reveal a bit of the outcomes of artistic dialogue that happens around the world. In many ways Detroit has always been accepting of new musics and innovation and so far over here audiences are very responsive when i play the new tracks out. I still am freinds with the old schoolers such as Scan7, Derrick May, Richie Hawtin, Mike Huckaby, Teste and several other key players sometimes we run into each other at the grocery store, haha. It's a cliché to say that detroit techno is inspired by the city, factories etc... do you think that your label Detroit Underground has a specific sound ? What is the role of Detroit in your music ? I agree with you that that is a cliche answer by now. Really i think what alot of that represents however and perhaps what people are attempting to articulate when they say that is that, the city has a real vibe of innovation. This is why i think electronic music has really been successful out here. The people are forward thinking and adapted to rapid technological change and receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things. Thats the role of Detroit in our music really. As far as a specific sound, we are quite committed to the label being a reflection of our own tastes and interests. However, that being said if you are nerdy and designing your own software for making tracks that are all glitched out and very DSP heavy we want to hear from you. How did you get in touch with artists such as Phon.O, Otto, Jimmy Edgar or Modeselektor ?Many of our artist come to us the old fashioned way, they are friends, associates, friends of friends, people whom we admire, or people who admire our work. Many of them we have met while travelling in Europe or America. Most of the artists are just close freinds from before the label even started. We are told that the Det.Und.07 is eurocrunk, what's your vision of a genre wich according to french artists is something of a joke to talk about european bass music ? Who do you think make the techno/rap thing go steps beyond today ?I mean the term is kind of a joke and we use it in a kind of tongue in cheek kinda way. But i think it is worth noting that we really admire many of the artists working in this style. Is European bass music somehow less valid than american made bass. Certainly it may lack the implied street credentials, but i think as far as hip hop and hip hop styled music goes, it really has become a global concept. Plus I am always interested in redefining genres, i think adding techno production styles to rap is very cool because it expands the framework and reach of a genre that perhaps is occasionally a bit too reflexive. What's the relationships and differences between european and american club music scenes according to you ? Are you satisfied of the way Detroit media and clubs are promoting electronic music ? What's your point of view on Detroit music scene today ? on wich artists / labels are you focused on in the town at the moment ?
In the US it is more about the promoter. clubs usually run different nights with different promoters, it is unusual if they have in house booking that sort of thing. But we are very satistified with whats happening in Detroit. Of course the popular stuff there is largely local, Plastikman of course, UR, Ryan Crosson, Lee Curtiss, Detroit Techno Militia, Lowres records, Ghostly, some new cats throwing down old school raves called Local 313 aka Detroit Paranormal Society and several other great people that are keeping techno in Detroit strong. The media over here has been very receptive to our work and we have gotten great local press on our events and releases. Couldn’t be happier. What's the future for DU ?
more records, more ravin, more pimpin'. MP3 : Phon.O - Booty lickin (exclusive)Buy DU releases on Boomkat.com, Forced Exposure, or Neuton.com. Thanks to Phillip Hoffman from Stars and heroes. BONUS LINKS : A l'écoute du morceau précédent, rien de plus naturel que l'association live de Phon.O avec Chris de Luca, rescapé du récent split de Funkstörung. Ce que ça donne ? Click click. phon.o’s “crossfadedandturnedtabled-mix”. (MP3) with JustinTimberlake, Housemeister, Deadbeat, Mr. Oizo... Chris de Luca & Phon.O live @ Nantes (flash player)
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingJe pourrais faire un "Si l'album des Klaxons était un... ce serait ..." mais le portrait chinois c'est pas ma spécialité et on va encore me reprocher d'être un putain de Weirdo. Ce que je sais, c'est que voir les Klaxons se promener dans les rues de Paris avec des costumes d'oursons me rassure sur mes envies, celles où je suis un peu différent, "il est autiste un peu ce petit non?". Les Klaxons m'aident à vivre à l'intérieur de moi même, avec la voix qui parle dans mon ventre, gardant jalousement mes émotions de petit con, celles qui me font tomber amoureux 14 fois par jour, celles où je dirige le monde d'une main de fer, avec des fleurs et exterminant les animaux de compagnies qui me font peur. L'album des Klaxons est beau et déroutant, un peu comme si tu passes ces phrases dans Google Translator. Masterisé par des petites fées, chaque kick comme une petite aiguille dans le centre du plaisir entre les vertèbres 7 et 8, Myths Of The Near Future a toutes les chances de finir en disque de rupture, celui qui rend ton amertume sublime et tes larmes si belles après avoir claqué la porte, Totem On The Timeline régulant le flux de tes trippes serré vers un chagrin sublimé par chaque mesure. La solitude des beaux matins d'hiver. Klaxons: Klaxons - As Above So Below Arthur Russell - Hop On Down Moebius-Plank-Neumeier - All Repro Mr.Elastic - Justice Johannes Heil - Artology (Destillat remix) Zager & Evans - In The Year 2525 Soft Machine - Lullabye Letter Cluster - Caramel Josef K - Sorry For Laughing Hank Williams - Moanin' The Blues Stranglers - Tank
Pharrell: 33hz - Paris Texas (Gentlemen Drivers remix) The Sounds - Tony The Beat (Rex The Dog remix) Klaxons - Golden Skans (Erol Alkan remix) Pig&Dan - On To The Beat Franz & Shape - Maximum Joy (Yuksek remix) Goose - British ModeMiam Les Fruits#9 - Klaxons
Depuis quelques semaines, c'est toujours le même rituel. Quand j'insère Myths Of The Near Future dans ma chaîne hi fi Sony rm-sd70, je m'assieds/m'allonge (ma position favorite) dans mon canapé marron marrant Ikea (le meilleur canapé du monde, il en a vu des choses), je regarde le plafond et hop, it never fails, dès les premiers roulements de Two Receivers, je m'envole. ET JE CROIS QUE CA VA ETRE PAREIL POUR TOUT LE MONDE avec des changements de modèles de chaîne hi fi et de canapé cependant. Quoi qu'il en soit les gens de goût de tous horizons comprendront qu'on a ici affaire à un chef d'oeuvre, le meilleur album de 2007 sans doute, tout comme Silent Shout avait dès janvier dernier décimé le jeu 2006. Sur 11 chansons, on en connaît déjà 6 ou 7 par coeur (depends on the nerdiness level and groupie-factor) mais pour une fois ça ne change absolument rien, parce qu'avec James Ford (idol material this man) celles-ci prennent une toute nouvelle dimension, la précision au service des sensations, et on mesure l'évolution depuis avril 2006, je regarde un peu vers le bas, l'altitude est vertigineuse, je tremble un peu et ne suis pas fatiguée. Quant à la poignée d'inédits, le moins qu'on puisse dire c'est qu'on est en présence de singles en puissance, tous autant qu'ils sont, le choix va être rude. Un album, 11 chansons, comme la clé vers les rêves les plus doux, les rêves les plus âcres, le genre dont tu ne voudras jamais te réveiller, la réalité peut aller se rhabiller. Je suis amoureuse, As Above So Below me fait tressauter sur mon canapé, fait enrager mon voisin (l'envol tout ça c'est dans la tête on est pas dans Heroes et je ne me drogue pas) et quand c'est fini je suis pantelante mais il suffit d'appuyer sur play pour que ça recommence, Magick. Sinon le truc cool avec les Klaxons, c'est que contrairement à The Knife, ce sont des garçons et ils portent pas de masques, c'est plus pratique pour les groupies. PREODER NOW IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOUKlaxons c'est des raisinnets frais et vous Pouet Pouet
pic: dirtydirtydancingI sometimes find it hard to believe just how consistently fantastic Claude Von Stroke's output is. He came straight out of leftfield with some of my favourite tracks of last year, and he seems to have done it again with this great job on the flip of Mikael Well's Silmarions. Sometimes I find it hard to avoid playing several CVS tracks in the same set, and this slow burning banger certainly adds to the dilemma. Mikael Well - Silmarions (Claude Von Stroke Remix)Buy From PhonicaAnother couple of acts I find it hard to leave alone are Buraka Som Sistema, and our Fluo buddies Bonde Do Role. The Gasolina track has just promoed with further remixes from Radioclit and Scottie B, and Gorky was kind enough to 'lend' us this little DJ friendly dub for your delectation. Bonde Do Role - Gasolina (Buraka Som Sistema Dub)Check Ben Skull Juice's Phonica ChartOk, we all know the UK is going to reclaim the dance music crown this year, with the rise and rise of Dubsided, the new Simian Mobile Disco studio album due out in April and, of course, a certain member of the aristocracy who we have mentioned on here a couple of times. But with Yuksek poised to be yet another French star of the electronic scene, perhaps this musical Waterloo isn;t about to end any time soon. Ths remix for Franz and Shape, on Relish, is another piece of stabbing electro which just works wonders on the dancefloor. Franz and Shape - Maximum Joy (Yuksek Remix)Pursue Forthcoming Maximum JoyI can't even remember where, why or how I came across this remix, but a remix of Smack My Beat Up has to be worth sharing with the world. Quite frankly, I am a little sick of the DJ axis caning this song right up to the present day, it sounded amazing at breaks clubs throughout the 90s but has kind of lost a little of the surprise factor now for any one other than the greenest nightclub pedestrians... This remix isn;t going to change the world but, hey, it's a fresh twist on the original, and by my reckoning would mix perfectly into the Digitalism re-rub of The Cure in any fluffy electro-house establishment you'd care to mention... As far as I can tell though, Mantrix appear to be a psy-trance outfit by day, which doesn't surprise me quite honestly. Mantrix - Smack My Bitch UpGo Home, And rethink Your Life
dirtydirtydancingi guess it's no more too hype to eat spiders this week, but rather slather your naked body with chocolate and wander around offering treats to people, OK FINE SOUNDS FUN I'LL HAVE A LICK. having read the vice issue on girls on my way back from a lovely week-end in paris, covering a yet dormant killer flu (i'm probably dead by tomorrow just so you know i'm posting before so i dont leave you without good music to mourn my loss to), i've been a bit upset by some articles (excisision almost got me throwing up my sandwich, girl getting off to beating up, girl selling her poop ewww) and endeared by some others (not as interesting to list, really). girls are really amazing, and everyone should be reminded of that at least once a day. i mean : boobs! indulging in really old shameful dirty secrets! spending the night swooning over hundreds of blur's youtube comparing the awesome features of alex damon graham! i tell you : only a girl. i used to not like girl singin so much, i used to hate remixes, how the world has changed. these three songs are remixes, these three songs feature girly vocals, these three songs are hott hott hott. 1) this one is not *too* new but so good, a rex the dog remix for the swedish hot "more poppy than them you die" band the sounds. it was recommended by the lovely patrik north from the lovely music label SUMMER LOVERS UNLIMITED on his lovely blog el popo. since i am ill as fuck, i am allowed to be lazy, and copy/paste what patrik says about this track (also because it is very true and i couldn't agree more and rephrase this would be plagiarism and i'd rather quote than plagiarize) : IF YOU ARE A DJ AND YOU DO NOT PUT THIS INTO YOUR SET IN THE NEXT MONTH OR SO THEN WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE. IF YOU ARE A GIRL WHO LIKES TO HAVE FUN YOU WILL SING ALONG TO THIS INTO A HAIRBRUSH WHEN YOU ARE GETTING READY TO GO OUT AND YOU WILL BE FIGHTING FOR SPACE IN THE BATHROOM MIRROR AND YOUR BEST FRIEND WILL HAVE CURLERS IN HER HAIR AND SHE MIGHT SHOVE YOU A LITTLE TOO HARD BUT THAT IS OK BECAUSE AFTER ALL SHE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND PLUS YOU ARE TOUGH. IF YOU ARE AN UPTIGHT STRAIGHT DUDE WHO LISTENS TO RAP/INDIE/GENRE-TECHNO THEN YOU WILL NOT LIKE THIS AND NEED TO GO AWAY, BUT IF YOU ARE FUN OR GAY THEN IT'LL BE OK AND YOU WILL SMOKE SOME WEED AND DANCE TO THIS IN SOCKS AND BOXERS. The Sounds - Tony The Beat (Rex The Dog Remix)second, is an amazing soft sad fluttering remix done by the teenagers (signed to SLU! wooh!) for the pretty dudettes of au revoir simone. you probably have heard it on their myspace, and loved it, as you should, and here it is in good quality to take out on your ipod, because as you might have noticed, we're nice like that. let me remind you that teenagers are remixing like fire right now, for the likes of NYPC, thieves like us, van she etc, yeepee. Au Revoir Simone - Fallen Snow (The Teenagers Remix)third final point conclusion : woooh yet again a new van she tech exclusive remix! we missed this on the blog, it was a bit sad. but fear not for that a new phase of vst awesomeness is beginning here with soon : a remix of tiga (wonderfully strange and upbeat and uuuuugh gonna want more) another one that makes your eyes go wide, as wide as that msn smiley, you know the one, and makes your body shake like a killer flu does or maybe even more, a remix of mstrkrft (haven't heard this one aw booh) and more. THIS ONE though screams cuteness by its every pore (if a song was a girl). it's a remix of a song by the aussie band teenager (no the no s), who just released their debut album "thirteen" you should buy it. go on their myspace to download the original, another little gem. Teenager - Alone Again (Van She Tech Remix)<3 <3 <3 kissous kissous
 Il fallait reparler de Felix Cartal. Il fallait apprendre à connaitre ce garçon dont on avait jamais entendu parler il y a encore une semaine et dont chaque morceau est un vrai hit. 4 questions pour 1 interview. Where are you coming from ? We never heard of you and one day all these tunes are coming out, you are not signed on a label but you do remixes for Mstrkrft and Ashlee Simpson, how could this be ? I started as a musician in a pretentious progressive rock-band throughout my earlier years, which I played bass guitar. The transition into electro was only natural. As for right now, I am practicing doing remixes/originals on my own, until I feel ready enough to approach a label (or a label feels ready enough to approach me, haha). Are you a total bedroom producer or do you do dj mixes / live ? As you produce dance music, it's difficult not to imagine how this music would be received, so what the purpose of your music, at which moment should it be played, for what kind of girl, what kind of clubs would you prefer your songs to be played in ? Currently I'm only doing bedroom producing, because I don't have the resources to perform live, but hopefully that will change soon  ;) ;) ;) I'm making music because I've been inspired; electronica has made me excited about music again. It's helped me discover that adding a little bit of cliche in what you make is what makes music interesting, rather than trying to create something completley new, I'd rather rework the cliche into something fresh. I guess in that sense, I'm making music to try and inspire those like I have been. Ideally, I want my music played at the most typical, frat-boy filled club in town, because there would be nothing more satisfying then hearing 40 boys singing along to Ashlee Simpson unknowingly. In the music universe what special friendships do you have, who are your models? what do you do in life except music? Discodust has been really nice to me, supporting me from the beginning, and other various blogs (Shot Callin, Slutty Fringe, ON-OFF, TTY). Musically, my models have been Teki Latex (the happiest music on earth), the EdBanger team, melodramatic vocoder rock (the Midnight Juggernauts and All Night Dance Party, and those I've listened to before I even understood what electronica was (Daft Punk, Vitalic, The Chemical Brothers, Out Hud). Other than music, I am attending university and shopping a lot. What are the 5 greatest mouths you know? I feel like it would be too easy to insert a fellatio joke here, so I'm just going to answer straight up in a very particular order. 1. Stephen Tyler 2. Hilary Duff (who I'm dying to remix) 3. Dikembe Mutombo 4. Woody Allen's Wife/Daughter 5. Tony Blair MP3 : Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E (Felix Cartal remix) (EXCLUSIVE)Kiss FELIX CARTAL on HIS MYSPACE
 Beaucoup de plaisir en barrettes à 128kbps cette semaine. Fluokids quelque part est un livre de recettes chaque jour plus belles qu'hier et moins que demain, même si demain c'est loin. Chaque jour un titre, un texte, des ingredients et une photo, un lecteur différent pour chaque élement, et puis celui qui se nourrit de tous, qu'on aime beaucoup. C'est le week-end, le temps de faire le point avant de nouvelles aventures, recapitulatif d'une semaine riche, de quoi faire chauffer Hype Machine : -l'originale de Phantom débarque sur Discobelle en synchronisation folle avec le DVD de Phantom 2040 dans ma boîte aux lettres. L'écurie Ed Banger fait une semaine violente, checkez aussi les remixes de dDamage par Krazy Baldhead qui envoit ta tête balader, l'air de rien, et des Editors par SebastiAn. Justice - Phantom sur Discobelle-la dernière chanson de Robyn est superbe, synthés-basses progressifs et violons, elle défile comme la neige s'enfuit, comme les lacs glacés se brisent quand les voix d'Annie ou Sally Shapiro sont des caresses d'adolescentes . Keerup feat. Robyn - With every heartbeats sur ce blog-là-Skatebaard produit l'emo-techno idéale des fjords en toute modestie, rien à rajouter. Skatebaard - Love Attack sur leur Myspace-On reparlera forcément de Felix Cartal, producteur de plusieurs tubes d'une puissance "injection-compression" très Superdiscount, il fait presque aussi peur que le personnage du catcheur qui dopait ses muscles avec un gadget dans Batman, la sueur et les veines prêtent à exploser. Felix Cartal - Moss vs Tree chez DiscodustFelix Cartal - La Decadanse chez Slutty Fringe-Cela faisait un moment qu'on attendait une nouvelle raison de dire du bien d'Alter Ego, c'est un remix de Partial Arts qui dépasse enfin le valable Partial Arts - Traumermusik (Alter Ego remix), bon courage -Je ne sais plus quoi penser, comment croire encore à la fille fragile quand hors-caméra son assurance survole les interviews et n'agace même pas ? Justin + ScarlettJe voulais aussi remercier Tristan Ducluzeau d'avoir ruiné mes insomnies avec ses jeux plus ou moins japonais à addiction instantanée : wallbreaker fluo/childish/zen, plateformes fengshui pour que ta copine bio te laisser jouer, pur stress absurde ou magie du Rez-like qu'on aimerait voir durer infinement. J'avais besoin d'en parler.
pic: bastien lattanzioCurrently residing in Berlin, Jesse Rose is often seen as the more minimal and, well, 'Berlin' member of the Dubsided clan. Far from an outsider though, Jesse can also make some serious boompty boomp (Or as Ben Skull Juice might say, boomptinimal? ) action when he wants to, just like the rest of the gang (shouts to Herve et al!). This track lives up to it's name, and does the job or making just about anything more plesant... A dancefloor, a solitary cup of tea, a bit of downhill skiing... If you fancy a bit of the latter, please book through the link of my party, Blogger's Delight... Lovely stuff! Content- It's So SimpleDoes the world need another remix of JT's 'My Love'? Will the original ever be bettered? Do we really want more cut-up Francophile nonsense? The answer to all three is probably no, but Like Woah are a couple of well brought up Australians, and this is as good a job as you could expect from just about anybody else, and that goes for SebastiAn and his Justin obsessed brain (see the recent post on him!)... So voila... Justin Timberlake- My Love (is Like Woah! re-edit)It's nice to give something back to kids sometimes, so here I would like to introduce a band to the world that actually participates in this little electro-blogging cyber-clique we live within. Late Of The Pier are part of the West London based Way Out West stable, and reside in the fruitful climes of Liar's world, Nottingham. Far more than just the gun-crime capital of the world, the city also has a nice sideline in shiny synthpop, with a not insignificant twist of post-punk sensibilities. At the risk of talking even more distracted drivel, here's a track... Late Of The Pier- Bathroom GurgleWhich only leaves me to introduce you to a series of podcasts from the wonderful Adventures In The Beetroot Field gang. This is the first in the series of podcasts which they will be hosting over the coming months, my Blogger's Delight selection. This is intended to showcase the kind of thing that goes down at peak time at my night, and was supposed to be recorded as a radio station, but I didn't get around to recording the voiceover. Apologies, also, for the mistimed Tom Jones atrocity, but watch this space for an official edit soon (You can't knock a boy for trying!). AITBF Podcast Series- Chapter 1, Casper C's Blogger's Delight Selection (Links To Description) The PodcastOr copy and paste this link into your podcatcher.... http://www.adventuresinthebeetrootfield.com/podcasts/beetroot.xml Tracklisting (* denotes exclusive) Wolf and Cub – This Mess (Serge Santiago Dub) Justice – Phantom (Faex Edit) Luke Solomon – Ghouls (Claude Von Stroke Remix) Duke Dumont – Lean n Bounce* Simian Mobile Disco – It's The Beat (Instrumental)* Klaxons – Golden Skans (Erol Alkan's Ekstra Spektral Remix) Tomboy – I Kill Guitar Voodoo Chilli – Look What You've Done To Me Martin Brothers – Stoopit Para One – Midnight Swim (Riton Remix) Radioclit – Mature Macho Machine (Solid Groove) Jo Jo De Freq – Make Some Noise P Diddy – I Like The Way You Dance (Switch Remix)* Buraka Som Sistema – Yah! Buraka Som Sistema – Coozi O Mambo Kissy Sell Out – Get Busy Tropicana* Chemical Brothers – Electronic Battle Weapon 8 Das Glow – Cathedrale Plastickman vs Tom Jones – Sex Spastik (Casper C's mistimed live Ableton edit) Guns n Bombs – Nothing Is Getting Us Anywhere (Acid Girls Mix) Fergie – Fergielicious (Count Of Monte Cristal and Sinden Kudurulicious Remix)* DJ Scottie B and King Tut – You Can Call Me Al (The Almighty Simon Joint) The Little Ones – Lovers Who Uncover (Zongamin Remix)* **ADDENDUM** Here's what that rubbish Tom Jones mash up was supposed to sound like... It should, at the very least, make you smile... Kaspar Scahdenfreude - Sex SpastikAnd here's a marginally better rendition, made my a significantly more talented person, in barely the same amount of timeI presume... Kaspar Scahdenfreude - Sex Spastik (Matty's only 4 Kaspar Mix)
www.thecobrasnake.comEn hiver, on aime bien écouter du rap "pour se réchauffer", Jumper Jumper sans forcément s'habiller à l'envers. Bon okay, j'avoue j'ai pas de meilleurs explication pour justifier l'abondance de posts hip hop (ah ne pas confondre avec des genre bizarre type post rock, tortoise namean?). Enfin, après avoir écouté le nouveau single de Twista, je pense quand même que vous jetterez vos albums de groupes au nom allemand compliqués ou en the, si si sérieusement." The come Up" est un peu indéfinissable. Oui l'instru, c'est toi dans le macumba de ta région, un verre de mojito à la main, mal à l'aise mais décidé à t'amuser, la preuve tu veux frotter la fille avec sa pochette Vuitton du marché et ses stilletos André. La prod, du Timbaland et Dalida screwed, donne une insatiable envie d'effectuer des mouvements au ralenti comme dans matrix 12. Twista, te coach en te parlant à l'oreille et oh surprise tu comprend tout ce qu'il dit. Le rap accelléré screwed c'est le meilleur concept depuis John Scatman. Twista "The Come Up"En janvier, d'après les infos des Mlle Agnes du Hip Hop, la tendance revient à la voix pitchée sur les prods. Mouais, ça reste une valeur sûre comme Beverly Hills sur TF1, surtout quand il y a de bon Mc( Je parle aussi un peu de Brian Austin Green)d;-) Mims "I did it wrong"Bone Thugs en plus de la voix pitchée, reprennent le concept chorale d'enfant Roc-a-Fellien, pour un hymne à l'amour. C'est beau. Bone Thugs and Harmony "Lead Me,Guide Me"Il y a plein de rumeurs sur le prochain album " Shades of black" de Cam'ron. Cool. Nous on préfère vous donner ce morceau tout en douceur, une berceuse saccadée qui parle du bruit que font les 14 bling bling autour du cou de Cam quand il s'entrechoquent doucement, et surtout rapeller que Cam'ron et Hell Rell forme les uptown boys. On a tout de suite les images du meilleur clip du monde dans la tête. Cam'ron est un génie; Cha Ching ressemble à My Love où Cam parlerait à ses chaines en diamant. Cam'ron & Hell Rell "Cha Ching, Cha Ching"
Romain B JamesTu les aimes les posts à rallonge de retour de Week-end hein, hein? T'as fait quoi ton Samedi, de la pocket bike? Hein? Moi j'ai bu quelques pintes, j'ai même mangé un grec avec mes crouilles, vraiment cool, vraiment cool hein. Bref. L'équipe du Magazine Trax et Don Rimini ont participé à la dernière miam les fruits, d'un côté le gentil magazine aux concepts qui nous échappent parfois, et de l'autre le mec dont le nom tourne dans toutes les bouches, bref ça fait un mix "COOL" hein. Miam Les Fruits#8 - Trax & Don Riminila playlistAcid Girls sont vraiment les meilleurs djs/bloggers du moment, et on a de la chance, c'est nos potes. Par la même ils se sont dit, hey les amis de mes amis sont mes amis, alors voilà ce mix comme une friends request d'une fille sympa. Putain j'ai super faim, je vais manger, brb. Re, 30 minutes, vrai mix, vrai passion, vrai amour, vrai drogue. playlist:-Patrick Adams - Disco Juice (AG intro edit) -Spank Rock - Sweet Talk (beat) -AG vs JT - Stab My Love -Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger -Basement Jaxx - Take Me Back To Your House (Speaker Junk remix) -Missy Elliot - 4 My People -Mr Oizo - Patrick122 -Jamelia - Something About You (Crookers rmx) -J-Kwon - Tipsy (Radio Slave remix) -Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks -Solid Groove & Sinden - Red Hot -Digitalism - Zdarlight -The Gossip - Standing In the Way of Control (Soulwax Nite Version) -Daft Punk - Around the World -Tiga - Move My Body (Faex's notonly4erol edit) -The Pixies - Velouria (Acid Girls edit) -TTC - Quand Je Claque Des Doigts -UNK - Walk it Out -UNK - Walk it Out (chopped & screwed by acid girls) -Klaxons - Golden Skans (SebastiAn 2.1.0 AG re-chop) -Mustapha 3000 - Kongo Thong -Armand Van Helden ft. Fat Joe - Touch Your Toes -Patrick Cowley - Get a Little (Acid Girls edit) -Spank Rock - Sweet Talk (beat) -AG vs JT - Stab My Love (reprise) -Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger (stab) -Beastie Boys - Slow and Low on loop -Crystal Castles - No Skin -Basement Jaxx & Speaker Junk - Just a Beat Acid Girls - Next On Zee Decks (Exclusiv mix)Pour finir des petits bonus hein, le courrier est passé, avec ce remix, il fait du soleil? Ca tombe bien ce remix est verre de sirop. Mylo - Paris 400 (Cindy Kate remix)C'est une putain de semaine dans le club, et qui mieux de Dabaaz, Salif et Drixxxé pour nous le rappeler, l'album de Dabaaz arrive bientôt, l'album de Dabaaz arrive bientôt. Hein dis moi? Dabaaz - Tu Veux La Guerre (Feat. Salif, Prod. Drixxxé) (Drixxxé's myspace) PS: Nos amis de Popcornlab seront à la flèche d'or Samedi prochain pour une Kiss Me I'm Electric en compagnie de Mount Sims, Alors tu sais comment on fait ça, nous on y sera.
pic: DirtyDirtyDancing... J'apporte du bon son exprès pour que tu le goûte.Bon okay, cette fois ci je ne vais pas faire le coup de la recherche de liens et vous imposez un sujet type : les rappeurs aux noms chelous à prononcer qui vont vendre en 2007. Non, ceux qui ont suivi Julien Courbet vendredi, le prendrait plutôt mal. En conséquence, voici quelques morceaux récents biens en vrac. Allez, Je kick ma merde, comme Weah kick son ballon de foot . Dewey avait déjà fait plusieurs rédactions sur DSR ( Dirty South Rydaz) en 2005, qui avait finies avec un A+ sur le frigo familial : A lire et A lire. En 2007, les journalistes,vont sûrement remplacer Houston dans toutes leurs expression par Dallas, c'est comme ça, tout le monde est (93) versatile (infinty).Après Big Tuck, c'est au tour de Tum Tum de briller, sur un beat qui ressemble un peu à Hip Hop de Dead Prez mais qui codéinise ta tête encore plus violemment. Tum Tum ne peut pas perdre il a toute la ville derrière lui. Tum "The Whole city behind me"Des nouvelles de nos amis Da Musicianz, (remember). Da Birtdhay Boy va très bien, il semble qu'il soit amoureux. Nouveaux morceau mi crooner Donald Duck, mi Hongrois Italo Disco de Da Musicianz. Excluuuuusive. Da Muzicianz "Girl" Feat Geeksie & Kuzin Bigg BoyyEnfin, Chamillionaire est le plus gentil des rappeurs, pour qu'on ne s'ennuit pas trop en attendant son prochain album "Ultimate Victory" prévu pour le 27 mars avec des prods annoncées de Scott Storch, Cool & Dre, Swizz Beatz, Dr. Dre, Kanye West,The Runners, J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League ; enfin tout le monde quoi...Il nous offrait le 24 décembre la tape Mixtape Messiah 2, où il imitait plein de rappeurs sur des samples grillés que même Black Mozart avait utilisé...Pour ceux qui ne l'ont toujours pas, c'est à télécharger ici : http://www.chamillionaire.com/mixtape/Chamillionaire et ses amis "Roll Call Reloaded"
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingFluokids c'est l'amour de la diversité, une pub Benetton en mieux. Alors que certains passent des heures sur dirtydirtydancing pour chercher LA photo, d'autres essaient de trouver un fil conducteur, un thème plaisant pour leurs articles que personne ne lit de toute façon, même si on met les mp3 à la fin. Aujourd'hui, je n'ai rien trouver de mieux que : les rappeurs aux noms juvéniles accompagnés de richesses intrinsèques qui vont être presque platinum ou pas en 2007. Vous avez hâte. Le premier nominé est Rich Boy. Déjà remarqué cette été avec le mini tube "Throw Some D's", morceau idéal des après midi guamcamLoL sous un parasLoL, il avait permis au jeune rappeur originaire de l'Alabama d'avoir un mini buzz. Buzz suffisant pour attirer l'attention des majors, et des producteurs qui veulent remettre leur locks sur le devant de la scène type Lil Jon. "What it do" le nouveau morceau de Rich Boy est produit par un Lil Jon qui a compris que les synthés acides comme les nouveaux Lolywood chewing gum saoulaient un peu les gens et qu'il fallait faire du Timbo aujourd'hui pour repasser sur m6 music à 13h. 3min05 bon morceau, mais (dans la suite du post) ce soir c'est sûr il y aura de bons morceaux. Rich Boy feat Sean Paul & Lil Jon "What it do"Deuxième nominé, Young Cash, qui apparaît comme l'eternel espoir, genre le Stéphane Dalmat du rap américain. Depuis 2 ans Young Cash à un buzz gros comme les chaines en roro qu'il porte autour de son cou et vient de signer avec Universal. On attend . En attendant, un poême que le rappeurs Floridien écrivait avec sa meilleure amie à la plage, pour une strip teaseuse. La jeunesse, l'Amérique. Young Cash feat Remy Martin "I'm in luv with a stripper"Troisième nominé. Short da Kid. Désolé je n'ai rien trouvé sur lui même pas de jeu de mot, alors écoutez ce morceau produit par les Trackboys, qui devrait bien marcher partout où l'on veut danser. Ce morceau c'est un concert d'ideal j en 1996, "quand je dis hip, vous dîtes hop", en effet le beat est constitué d'une voix disant hip sous l'effet d'un hoquet (mais oais on reste dans le sujet, les jeunes qui grandissent quoi) et d'un autre vocodérisé qui dit hop. Okay? Short Da Kid "Blow Ya Back out"Bonus Beat : Un topic sur les jeunes riches du moins patroniquement, ne doit pas négliger, le boys band de Romeo et de son petit frère composé de jeunes baller de son quartier RICH BOYZ. Ce groupe traite avec gravité des thèmes de l'adolescence comme les tendinites que provoquent les bracelets en argent massif de 2kilos ou le fait d'avoir une ferrari à 14 ans et de ne pas pouvoir la conduire. Rich Boyz "Whoadi Whoadi"Ce topic c'est pour mes young rappeurs économistes libéraux.
JustineUne petite goutte de sang au bout de mon doigt, à quelle moment tombera t'elle sur le plancher? Si les Naast brisent le sommeil de tes parents, c'est qu'ils explosent la chambre d'ami, sans vraiment de consentement, c'est normal ça doit être ça le rock'n'roll, et je sens la goutte qui tombe, le frémissement que tu as là, ne tourne pas de l'oeil tout de suite, j'ai encore beaucoup de fleurs à lancer, et pour toi je laisserai les épines, même au plus bas de ces tiges humides. Je pourrais employer les mots garage, punk, tout ça, mais on en a rien à foutre, ce qu'on veut savoir c'est à quel moment la guitare s'arrete ' car je prends de la hauteur, et le vertige dans mon coeur'... Si tu veux continuer je peux, mais tu sais que j'aime m'évaporer parfois, pour mieux revenir des fois. L'album des Naast est efficace, quoi demander de plus à ces 4 kids qui ne regardent pas en traversant, une main d'adolescente les retenant en cas d'eventuelle collision? J'avoue que j'avais surtout peur de voir un brouillon, ou une copie double mal recopiée au dernier moment, mais Antichambre surprend, et tu es plutôt bonne dans ton jean slim. Naast - Coeur De GlaceL'album des Naast sort lundi prochain, vous pouvez déjà le précommander ici
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingPas une bouteille de faux vomi, plus un truc degueulasse post puberté. Les nuages gris me disent que le printemps vient bientôt car on croit tous que l'hiver se termine en fevrier, mensonge. Juiceboxxx a tout cassé cette semaine à Boston, la ville de Karmaloop et d'autres mecs avec pas mal de xxx dans le nom. Son pote Dre Skull m'a envoyé Sweat, comme un doux pull de soldes, comme un doux pull avec des couleurs débiles mais COOL. J'ai terriblement du mal à ecrire quelque chose ce matin, ( anonymous said: comme d'habitude ohohoh), alors je vais pas m'étaler, ce morceau est fantastique, un peu comme du confit de canard. Juiceboxx & Dre Skull - Sweat
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingLast night i missed the last Trash ever, because i had (still have) an economics exam today, how lame (especially for the amount of revisions i have done = nil, i could as well have gone and taken a plane now and ermmm shush). It must have been pretty awesome, if i check the pictures of the fine kids on the dirtydirtydancing site, enjoying themselves to the point of crying. Emotional as well, after 10 years of constant joy brought by Erol and the Trash crew, not to mention the Tissue Guy. But emo doesnt mean sad, now does it. In my book it’s ok to stop something that went on for as long as a decade, still going strong, with outcomes such as !new party in town! And !Erol Alkan producing more « awesome jams »! See? Be happy. This is not an Erol related mp3 that i’m giving you today but it’s pretty ok still (« ok » haha), and i hope Gaspard played it yesterday, it would have been fitting. I know you’re all waiting for the Erol full vocal remix of Golden Skans, but the SebastiAn one is not to underestimate. Ed Banger has graced us with an exclusive alternate version of the HOTT HOTT tune which *maybe* kills it even more than the commercialised one. You will have to buy to compare aye ? The intro, the break, they give me very light strokes each time i listen, pretty nice. Klaxons - Golden Skans (SebastiAn version 1.2.0 Remix)In two thousand seven, i hope the wonderful looking kids of london (each time i come there i take a lesson of style, it’s like a slap on the face, the future’s there children, eating spiders is so hot right now) will dance in bizarre fashion to the sound of 33HZ. I know i will. I’m so excited, the year to come promises so much goodness, as Devin the Dude says, « the party just begun » let’s make it the best ever. 33HZ 2007 Preview TrailerBONUS *EXCLUSIVE* TRACK : The Gentlemen Drivers, as you should know if you spy well, are among my fav. people ever(er). That's because my taste is never failing me, and because they are the most talented young people around right now. B.F.F. of Gentlemen Drivers are 33HZ, so, naturally, they asked them to work on a remix of the stellar Paris Texas track (feat. Devin the Dude and Teki Latex). The remix is... stellar, i should say. FUTURE MUSIC NOW. 33HZ - Paris Texas (Gentlemen Drivers Remix)
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingLe dimanche c'est rap français, ça fait quelques jour que le nouveau maxi de la fouine tourne en boucle à la maison, le clip d' On s'en bat les couilles sur nos retroprojecteurs. Copie colle l'amerique et le fait en mieux, La Fouine c'est ça l'amerique 2.0, celle où les filles couchent après avoir tourné le clip. Reinstalle GTA San Andreas, prend un SUV, et appuie sur play. Quoi? T'as une dissert de philo pour demain? Pshhh, reste en chien. La Fouine - Reste En Chien (feat. Booba)
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingBzzzzz dans ta tête, Reese a essayé son nouveau pistolet à clou à 12 cm de mon oreille, j'ai un peu mal, comme la fois où il m'a mis la tête sous l'eau avec mes écouteurs, 3 petits volts dans le tympan gauche, j'ai l'impression de saigner mais je ne saigne pas. En fait il n'existe pas, c'est juste la drogue dans mon corps, ce morceau de pop me fait l'effet d'un concert de death metal, et je fais semblant de vomir, on va dedans s'il vous plait? Thieves Like Us sont (eux aussi) une bande de mecs sympa, qui mérite de monter dans le petit train des petits groupes qui marchent dans des petits clubs, entre deux petites bières. Thieves Like Us - Drugs In My Body
 more orange girls from: dirty dirty dancing... Big in '07!Excuse me for hibernating for a few weeks once again, but think of this post as a new year's resolution. What better way to start the year than with one of the most highly sought after exclusives of the year. It wouldn't be right to spoil you with the vocal version- we'll leave that kind of behaviour to some of the less scrupulous blogs out there (although those blogs are secretly my favourites!). This dub should keep you DJs happy with it's majestically soaring piano work (Is Erol the new Liberace) and slow-burning lilting qualities. The hipsters will assure though they don't those Klaxons vocals on there any way, but I can assure you, the vocal version is well worth adding to the collection when it is officially released (as is the sebastiAn version, I am told!). This dub will never see the commercial light of day, so enjoy this little belated Christmas gift from Erol and us, to you. Klaxons- Golden Skans (Erol Alkan's Ekstra Spectral Dub) ***Exxxclusive***Next up is another much anticipated cadeaux for you all. I am really digging the forthcoming Bloc Party single with it's grimy undertones, 'Jesus Walks' backing vocals and epic strings. Para is set to be one of the biggest names in electronic music over the course of the next year, and for this mix he has applied the French blueprint which is becoming jarring to some, but will find its way into the hearts of the believers I'm sure. I wonder for how much longer he will resist turning into a fully fledged beardy experimentalist, but I guess he has to pay off the mortgage first. Big shout outs to the 'handy man' Olivier for this track! Bloc Party- The Prayer (Para One Remix) ***Exxxclusive***As if they weren't already getting there in '06, the signs are good for my Skull Juice home boys in '07. Their blog has been newly revamped, they're making strides with their podcast which you should all sign up for, and of course the nascent production skills are blossoming. Alex has put together a fun blend of Justice's 'Phantom' and the basis of the sample, Goblin's fantastic soundtrack to Dario Argento's 'Tenebre'. This should keep the fanboys calm for a little while longer before Ed Banger drop the track... I should take this opportunity to name drop Duke Dumont again too. This blog is the only place to look for his next level material, and it will be worth the wait. Justice- Phantom (Faex Re-edit)Don't think for a minute Baltimore is going anywhere in '07 either. Swiss kids the Round Table Knights have brought a modern electro element to the sound, and made one of those rare cheeky American sampling Baltimore tracks that is not only amusing, but is also actually very good. I'm looking forward to their visit to the UK at the end of February. Within the space of a week, I had discovered the material of these guys, and the fact that one third of the group goes to university in London with a good friend of mine. God moves in mysterious ways. Round Table Knights- Baltimore Clock RockAnd I suggest you all go out and buy this right now through our friends Uppercuts, along with the Hollertronix 6 compilation, because I can guarantee that all of the excesses of new year's eve will be forgotten in a second once that annoying 'woo' noise subsides, and the familiar Paul Simon joint kicks in. I am posting it here at 64kbps as a taste of what is to come. Scottie B & King Tut with Will Roc- The Almighty Unruly Simon Joint ***Exxxclusive***...for a bit of jib cut in a similar kind of way, check out the big for '07 Gutter Broadcast blog. ... Happy new year one and all, it's going to be big in '07!
pic: DirtyDirtyDancingIl est 03h38, ça sent la télévision d'outre Rhin sur M6 à pas d'heure, bouteilles de gaz et flic de choc en lamborghini, enfin que de l'amour quoi. Si 2007 commence si bien c'est que comme chaque année la première semaine de Janvier se résume à pizza télé console adolescence, des trucs facile entre potes. Pizza:Au rayon des trucs facile, Planetakis n'inventent rien. Ces jeunes de Cologne se lancent dans le jeu avec un tube classique et efficace, pas vraiment de supplément, juste de quoi faire danser tes amies facilement, surtout si elles ont en dessous de 19ans. Chico et Roberta version 2007, on parle de secouer ses cheveux sur le dancefloor, miam le ralenti dans le clip, miam gel effet mouillé, puppy dans l'appartement. Je vous ai jamais autant donné envie de télécharger un morceau hein? Planetakis - Pogo In The Shoes Of Kylie MinogueTélé:Voter, sms clic tout ça, plus clair, la météo, les seins des filles du TF1 des jeunes la nuit. Don Rimini vous demande une voix, en échange d'être dans les 5 producteurs electro français les plus prometteur. Aidez le donc à gagner le CQFD des Inrocks, c'est pas dur tu cliques, tu niques ça vas y nique ça. Vote For Don RiminiDon Rimini - Santa Santa Santa mixConsole:Obsolescence, jeu de jambes, c'est la vidéo pour serrer la mère de tes potes. France Gall - Der Computer Nummer DreiAdolescence.
Pic: johannes / models: marie-france & jonnaOn pourrait faire des tops, des bilans, des concours de bouchons de champagne, mais on est un peu trop fatigué pour tout ça. Nous sommes de retour de vacances, et toute l'équipe de Fluokids se joint à moi pour vous souhaiter une année 2007 pleine d'amour, de bonheur, et de surprises.
bonne année à tous happy new year