I have been getting tired of waiting to post some Cansei De Ser Sexy material. They were one of my favourite discoveries of my time in Brazil, and I think that if there is any justice in this world, they will be absolutely enormous one day. They have already commenced their quest for world domination with their Stateside tour alongside Fluokids favourites, Diplo and Bonde Do Role. Spankrock, and Diplo himself have reworked one of my favourite songs of the year, “Let’s Make Love And Listen Death From Above into the bouncy ghetto pop you would expect, and I have included Mr Pentz’s version here on the basis that we have blogged Spankrock to death lately, and frankly he deserves a break. The original version of this tune is good enough reason alone to buy the eponymously titled album, which is released in the States today through Sub Pop.
Cansei De Ser Sexy- Let’s make Love And Listen Death From Above (Diplo Remix)
Another hot album track that has being doing the rounds on the blogs for some time now is “Alala”. The man behind the Bonde Do Role sound, DJ Gorky, kindly sent me his dub of the track, which is an excellent DJ tool and a good tune in it’s own right.
Cansei De Ser Sexy- Alala (DJ Gorky Dub)
Mr Gorky has also been having some fun in the studio in between touring with BDR, and recording their forthcoming album on Mad Decent. You can play ‘spot the sample” with these two baile beauties.
DJ Gorky- Atoladinha
DJ Gorky- Tira A Camizero
*** BONUS BEATS*** I am throwing in another hot tip from DJ Gorky for your enjoyment. Freakplasma are his favourite new band from Brazil, and they’re hoping to imitate the underground success of CSS. Enjoy.
Freakplasma- Punk It
*** For all you London peeps who want to hear the Fluokids sound in action, Brighton club It Came From The Sea will be hitting Barden’s Boudoir, 38-44 Stoke Newington High Street from this Saturday onwards.
“Representing for the MP3 generation, It Came From The Sea extends a tentacle into the capital on a (possibly evil) whim. The experimental disco will feature original art somewhere over the dancefloor, a scrolling LED suggesting topics of conversation, special FX and a NEW MUSIC ONLY policy which shifts from wipe-clean synth to mongrel guitar snarl, dancefloor beatbox to shiny pop hooks. Deejay auteurs Nikon Drover, Kicking K and Casper C cross-breed styles, assimilate emerging genres and swallow scenes whole- And you’re next! Check the website for details and playlists.

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