photo : Bastien Lattanzio
In about three weeks i'm supposed to be going back to the old country and resume studying. however it is a bit hard to even think of leaving here, especially when witnessing that summer is truly kicking in, especially when so many awesome stuff seem to be lined up AS SOON AS I GO AWAY, especially thinking that i will so dearly miss living close to the sea, close to a wrapped up CBD (and close to lovely aussie people, too). That's why i'm currently debating over belating my flight& staying a few days in London too& generally avoiding a bit longer the mess that is Bordeaux flat hunting, and school starting. i'll keep you updated on the wanders, but in any case, there will be a point where i will definitely have to move on and get with it. lol uh? (old french touch tricks meet new french touch wizard and blend with hot french rock action and spark up, w00t).
Scenario Rock - Both Gotta Move On (Heychamp Remix)
(just change the tags/5 seconds)
The following track, which attracted me first solely because of the wise choice Futurecop! made for the title year, is, i found out, pretty good for strolling, or running, or fast walking, your choice, along the beach of Bondi and others, and back again. that is if your iPod doesnt get attacked 3 times in a row by vicious viruses (OH REALLY?). i would, however, not recommend it to romantic backbackers wanting to get some lovin action at night on said beaches, for the music might cover up the sound of arriving drunk valentinos (on cheap wine) because they could end up like that, only, i guess, more exotic.
Futurecop! - Class of 1984
My boy Brodinski is in the USA now with darlings Pharrell and Yuksek and the unfamous Benoit, rocking the nights of girls and boys with no rest at all. i hear it's like "party - more - encore - uh no time to sleep? ok plane, oh we just made it in time, time to party? ok let's". poor/lucky boy, i hope he (and they) is having a blast. when he comes back, though, it wont be time for some rest no-no, cos the biggest party of the month in Paris is just around the corner, 14th of September, Fluokids présente Panik, à l'Élysée Montmartre avec nos copains Skull Juice who will then hop in a plane to visit me down under, avec nos héros Alan Braxe, Kris Menace et Ewan Pearson, et donc avec petit bébé Bro pour enrober le tout. if you're not in Paris that night, fret not, for that, in Sydney for instance (why i chose that, i wouldnt know), there will be PLENTY of choices to be made regarding nightly entertainment, so many choice that i will help and recommend you to attend this followed by this. you're welcome. oh and by the way, this remix of mysterious French band The Shoes is pretty banging.
The Shoes - America (Brodinski Remix)
I think i would like my life to resemble a Wes Anderson Movie. and i bet it is the same for 95% of our readership, the originality of hipsters always confundes me, however i don't know how one could attack the sheer quality of his films, really. because of recent events in Hollywood (get well soon Owen, and if you need a woman in your life to fill the void left by Kate, rembember that i'm always there), i have been finding myself rewatching all Anderson's movies and swooning and laughing and getting so EFFING EXCITED about this. Vampire Weekend is getting so much buzz in the USA it's like the Wes Anderson Hipsters Love Syndrome all over again, which is fine, because it is deserved. i think that if Vampire Weekend would agree to craft the soundtrack of my Wes Anderson Movie life, then life would most certainly be a beach.
Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
j'apprends a l'instant que vous pouvez gagner 50 places pour la Panik de ce vendredi 14 donc, en écrivant un petit mail doux et mignon et rigolo à redhotcarchou, parce qu'organiser une soirée Panik, ça demande une sacrée dose de tendresse. il y aura des bonnes surprises douces, au palais notamment, à cette soirée. je suis triste de pas y aller.
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