hello it's me. i have been pondering for some time and and even though people tell me there's a world between the two of them, i have come to the conclusion that i haven't quite yet understood the difference between the jackfruit and the durian. what i know is that the two are asian fruits, of the biggests on earth, and that they are stinky and weird looking yet delicious to the well educated palates. uh yeah? yeah thought so. oh hai, this post is 100% pure blogs' favorites material, 100% finest fruits remixed freshly, enjoy.
the other day at Splendour, we were driving to the city to feast on some delicious fish japalenos or something (or not) and Sandy (un garçon) who was driving was all like "oh i have this amazing album by a Montreal band let me put it on" and i wasn't paying attention but looking at the lush vegetation of the Byron hills and what a surprise when i began to hear Montréal -40°C (by Malajube)! amazing. so apparently Malajube gets some play on Australian radio and you can find Trompe-L'Oeil in record stores in Canberra and shit. wow. good on them, i say. then i had to translate the songs lyrics for the passengers' pleasure, which if you're familiar with Malajube's sense of Absurdism, was a bit.... absurd. this one's for you Sandy.
Malajube - Elton D'Août (Remix Maman)
A Sydney le Paris Paris, c'est le Club 77. un club bien dégueulasse en sous-sol au 77 William Street (Kings Cross) where one often loses his/her belongings (aka cell phone), his/her time & money, his/her sanity for sure. un club qu'il semble inévitable de fréquenter moins de 3 fois par semaine. un club coolos quoi. My now good friend (yes?) Spruce Lee mixes there pretty often, but it was the lovely Kato who was behind the decks when the Whisper Song elegantly blended (!!!) in this little bouncy gem last thursday at Wamp Wamp. yes another Heart It Races remix! omg it is great too!
Architecture In Helsinki - Heart It Races (Spruce Lee Remix)
I think that Kris Menace is in a 2004 remix revival phase right now, what with the following number, the Evermore vs Dirtysouth one (find it pls) and the fabulous Midnight Juggernauts' Out Of The Storm piece (soon to grace your ears). that's fine by me, since one of my most treasured and life changing remix came out in 2004 and was on heavy, fitting, rocking rotation whilst driving thru the Great Ocean Road that summer, i name the Stuart Price rework of Four To The Floor. and even though the link here might appear weak, there IS definitely a sense of familiarity between the last Kris Menace jobs and that 2004 violin drenched sound. fun times.
King Creosote - You've No Clue Do You ( Kris Menace Remix)
on the hot topic of Blog House, somebody (Miami Horror <3) once said (just 5 minutes ago) : "music isn't made for blogs, they just post it, people think blog house is throwaway". which it's not or at least should never ever be thought of as so because then it would be too sad, wouldn't it?! Blog House is just a funny term to coin the new exciting electronic music, aye? i would tend to favor a "no real meaning in the two words used" attitude. this Mehdi (OMG Ed Banger! epitome of Blog House innit?) mix is a point in case : he didn't work this weirdly structured intoxicating mix for me (i wish), and it is in no way a throwaway xoxo. get your hair seriously shaking now.
Cansei De Ser Sexy Lost DJ Mehdi Mix
sinon tout comme la ressemblance-mais-pas-tout-a-fait-les-même-
-quand-même entre le jackfruit et le durian me trouble, en ce moment en trainant sur l'internet je tombe sur pleins de pseudo-sosies de Tim Cut Copy, genre ce mec et ce mec, C'EST CHELOU HEIN? errrr.
conclusion : one love Todd Rundgren.
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