pull my heart strings again.
ca y est l'été, le sud, le jus de nectarine qui coule sur le menton et les avant bras no matter how you try to manage, le bal des pompiers, les robes de soirée portées en journée faute de soirées, le réveil avec les poules. c'est plutôt sympa d'apprendre à ma nièce à nager (elle en est à la demi longueur toute seule) mais l'heure de la sieste me surprends à regarder le prix des billets d'avion pour des destinations un peu plus fraîches, un peu plus vertes, en plus douce compagnie... (genre goteborg, berlin, l'irlande tu vois). étrangement, c'est pas les low costs les moins chers pour ces destinations, et de loin, salauds.
bon donc goteborg. de cette ville viennent environ une petite dizaine de mes all time favorite groups. egalemment l'une de mes personnes favorites au monde (fredrik i see you). also an amazing amusement park, also the best bed i was given the chance to sleep in, + burger kings to die for. among those bands (tta, the embassy, the honeydrips etc), which made us wonder if lo-fi-fnk were really that geniuses or just not so shy about speaking english (in the end we figured it must have been that they did not thought myspace was the devil), air france, whom patrik north (l'une de mes personnes favorites au monde) made me discover back then with this track which i've never got quite over.
air france - karibien
lucky for us, air france released an ep last mont, called no way down, on tta's label sincerely yours. it is, as expected, quite epic and beautiful, and perfect for travels, but if you've arrived and are enjoying the scenery, then it's alright too.
air france - no excuses
enjoying the scenery is probably one of the best occupation in life (god knows), but at some point it's time to get up and go about your way, to the next destination perhaps, or maybe more simply to the club (although often it's a destination in itself innit). our baby boy david aussi, from lund (a bit further down south than goteborg for the traveling pals), will cater for that, no problem with his sweet and effortless story-telling yet dance-floor filling oriented tracks.
david aussi - air france
ps : a good friend of mine (l'une de mes personnes favorites au monde oui oui ça va bien les épanodes qui virent à l'obsession ok) had to spend quite a bit of time traveling indeed and i wish i wrote this before all that, heh, but i guess he took care of himself rather well and is now passing on his mastering of travel music to us masses, get his music for airports, planes, trains, buses & footpaths mix here (also add the link to your favorites, lol).
xoxo let's go.
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